Monday, October 12, 2009

the beginning of something wonderful...

I've finally created a blog! congrats to me! lol! so here it online diary of my painting escapades! i just had my show opening on Oct 2nd show, unfortunately there was a 5 year gap between my 1st and 2nd show, but hey everything happens for a reason, right? right!! all i know is all the time i spent painting and getting ready for this show helped me realize how much i love, how much i need painting in my life. I've loved drawing ever since i was little and even went to art school but it seems like only now is when I've realized that creating art for myself is anecessity, so it i need air to live so i need art to live too. corny yes...but very true. ;)


  1. Too true, everything does happen for a reason! I am so very proud to be friends with such a beautiful and talented lady. Bless those hands. XX
