Tuesday, February 2, 2010

it has been a long long time since i've made a blog entry. so my dear friend lanz has embarked on a painting adventure with me. we are doing 365 paintings in 365 days.  this is a great project to exercise my creative muscles!! i had a rough start...got in the way of myself, but not anymore! i'm in it to win it and i am looking forward to seeing what evolves from this process. it goes against my anal tendencies to work rework and rework a painting, so with this project i am letting go of that...once my "painting a day" is done it is done. we originally started this project several weeks ago but i was a little late out of the gate. i am on track now and i am moving forward down this creative road with my awesome and supportive friend lanz!!  ok i'm having slow wifi...i have pics to post..fingers crossed!

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